Only those things are beautiful which are inspired by madness and written by reason. Andre' Gide
Andre` Gide: „Mis hulluses sündinud ja kirjutatud intellektiga, on alati ilus ja vägev“
Here's how you can win back your poe powerful at childhood
I invited the top businessmen and -women to the creativity course and asked them to get ready to meet a very important person. They came, in suits and ties, but as soon as they took out the paints the elegant businessmen and -women, the Movers & Shakers of our business world, suddenly became real artists, childish and carefree spirits! They bravely stepped beyond their professional boundaries, time constraints and habits. Even the fear of not knowing how to paint.— Everything is possible!
Photos by artist Hermes Sarapu
Aili Vint: Being in the moment – that’s where the miracle of creation starts! The freedom of spirit that we can lean from children. The essence of the carefree existence of a child is the easygoing and radiant happiness. It is when you suddenly realize that you do not know – and do not want to know anything about anything! Let me be! — I am painting!
Aili Vint: Olla hetkes, siit algab loomise ime..Vaimuvabadus, mida lastelt õppida. Lapse õige, see vaba olemine avaldubki ju kergemeelsuses ja kiirgavas lõbususes; kui ühtäkki tajud muretust, seda lapseksolemise tunnet, et ei tea ja ei tahagi teada, mitte millestki, mitte midagi. Las ma olen!! — Mina maalin!!!
feedbacks from my lovely “school children”
Mart A. See päev (või oli see kaks nädalat?), oli küll üks suurimaid väljalülitusi pärast ülikooli lõpetamist. Orav rattas lasti korraks puurist välja. Esialgu hüppas siia sinna, uudistas ja kargas. Siis rahunes pisut ja ei tahagi enam puuri tagasi minna.
Heidi K: Ma pole ennast ühegi varasema koolituse lõppedes nii vabana tundnud – just mitte motiveeritu ja hirmsasti teotahtliku, aga sisemiselt rahuliku ja vabana. Võib-olla isegi õnnelikuna. Lapsega tuleksin ka, isegi emaga tuleksin – ka vanadele on lapsepõlve ja seal kogetut meelde tuletades, võimalus õnnelik olla.
Marek P. See kursus raputab rutiinist välja. Igal juhul alguses tundus uskumatu, et nii saab ka õpetada. Mind ei töödelnud see kursus mitte ainult kui juhti, vaid ka kui isa. Enesekontrollist on ikka puudust tuntud. Nüüd tunnen, et olen sammukese iseenda poole edasi astunud.
…nägid nüüd, kuidas võrratu lapsemeelsus tagasi võita
Aili Vint: “Säravat loojaisikut iseendas ei tohi hooletusse jätta! — Esimesel võimalusel vupsab ta välja niikuinii. Sa vaata ja imesta! — Kutsusin tippjuhid “loomiskoopa” avapeole sõnadega: “Mehed ikka ülikonnas, lipsu ja valge särgiga, naised pidulikus kostüümis nagu alati, kui lähete kohtuma teile väga tähtsa persooniga”.
Kunstiteadlane Heie Treier: “Sa imetle, millised meeletud! — Kui aga värvid kätte saadi, toimus tõeline metamorfoos. Nagu vangivalvur oleks korraks selja pööranud: Kõik „pidulikult piiratud kehad“ tundsid maalimisest meeletut loomislust, “Shiki riietusega tegelased plätserdasid üksteist värvidega möllates üle sellise lapsemeelse siira rõõmu ja enesest mõistetava muretusega, et hoia ja keela.”
Aili Vint: “Kui enam ei imesta ega imetle kõike siin elus nagu laps, kui ei tunne enam seda meeliülendavat tunnet, puhast tunnet ja siirast uudishimu elu vastu; ei mäleta enam, kui tore oli mängida ja unistada, siis on viimane aeg lasta sel kõigel enda juurde tagasi tulla ja sa saad teada, kui kartmatult ja vabalt laps sinu hinges ja teine su käekõrval, tahaksid sinuga koos elada ja tegutseda.”
2. environmental happening in Estonia:
The Phosphorite War is the name given to a late 1980-ses in Northern Estonia, planned by the Moscow government. The movement, peaking in 1987, was successful in achieving its immediate goals, but is also regarded as a catalyst that led to the destabilization and dissolution of the Soviet regime in 1991.
Aili Vint: It was a cold winter day when we heard that Soviet geologists and high government officials were holding a phosphorite-mining conference near the Keila-Joa falls. We were a group of artists, musicians, writers, and intellectuals and we decided to demonstrate our opposition to the Soviet Union's mining of phosphorite in Estonia by by creating some magic. We decided to unite fire and water at the falls! What right do they have to come and dig up our land! We'll show them how we feel! We bought all the candles we could and headed for Keila-Joa.
The falls were frozen into magnificent Ionian columns! We placed the lit candles into our footprints in the deep snow. As the footprints filled with pulsating light they looked like welcoming lamps in the twilight. It seemed as if they had a life of their own. We had enough candles for the frozen river under the falls, the top of the falls, and even the snowy banks. It was quite a sight in the gathering blue dusk! We stood in awe and deep silence. Suddenly the silence was broken when a Russian border-guard came and yelled at us demanding to know what we were doing. We answered: we are looking for the river! We decided to crash the final banquet of the conference and tell the Moscow officials (straight-faced) that they were under arrest and must come with us. We drove them to the falls
As we approached we could see the enchanting glow of all the candles reflected on the frozen falls. One of the officials fell to his knees and kissed my hand saying he had never seen anything so beautiful created by people in nature! On the ride back to the conference we let them know why we were so opposed to the mining project. They said they understood but were only following the government's policies. But one of them whispered to me: your only hope is to keep opposing!
So we kept opposing. And won.